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My Family Record Book

How to create and keep all personal and financial details in one Handbook

Would you like to have a system to have all your personal and especially your financial documents in one place?

Create your own personal and financial life design

We are glad to launch My Family Record Book for you to download

May be one document or a handbook to compile and maintain.

One document, to be updated and kept secured, could be ideal.

We are glad to launch My Family Record Book for you to download.

My suggestion is to download this e-book compiled by me, print it in color, bind or spiral bind it and now fill in every essential, relevant detail by hand and the keep it in a secured place so that in any emergency, your family can access it easily.

To download the same you can click here

My Family Record Book

We are sharing this booklet with you. It’s a useful tool where you can keep all records in writing.

To download the same you can click here

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